Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Me-Waste Food - No way!

             A few days back my sister (in India) posted a comment about millions of tons food getting wasted. Well, guess what, I have an impending apartment move coming up and I hate lugging stuff around even if it is within town, so I took a quick stock of all the food materials that I had in my kitchen cupboard as well as refrigerator and laid it out.

garlic, ginger, onions,carrots also present
First set of vegetables. Tomatoes, Peeled carrots Cabbage, Potatoes, Zuccini, Lime, Cucumber, Garlic, Ginger.

I need YOUR HELP in converting this to edible food. So, any ideas, comments, links to specific recipes are all very very welcome. If you know any of your friends who can help me out by giving an idea, a recipe (with the existing items) I welcome that with open arms! All comments will be appreciated much!!
Brown rice, Pasta, pasta sauce, Split mung beans, White split beans (white urid), Parboiled rice, white rice, fenugreek seeds, Black gram lentils, Millets, Barley (the last two in small amounts)

Then, on top of all of this, which amounts to a few pounds of rice, lentils etc. and small amounts of pasta, herbs etc, I also realize that I have a bunch of baking supplies.

L-R: Chocolate chips, Semisweet chocolate bar, Fine powdered sugar, walnuts,  almonds, eggs,  plain yoghurt (2 x 5oz) , 6 eggs, All purpose flour (1 lb) and pastry floor (1/4" lb).

  1. I did call some friends on Sunday and cooked up some stuff.
  2. But time is running out and I need more ideas.. fassst!
  3. I am not yet sold on "donating to food banks" because I feel that food may get wasted.. or I have to lug food over there - so it is not my style!
  4. I am fine calling people over to cook and eat though, it's fun!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Some fresh vegetables that I bought this week.

This is a just a picture of Okra that I cooked separately a day before.

Then these were all stuffed into our stomachs with rice, cheese, chickpeas and homemade tomato sauce to become a great dinner for me and room mates.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Best Spam Ever: Gold Dust!!

Got this email in my yahoo account today! Super hilarious!

Can anyone calculate the volume of 200 kg gold dust at various void fractions for me? Thank you!
I need that shipping cost calculations.

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